“These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name”.
John 20:31

John’s gospel is filled with stories of encounters with God.
Each week’s reading from John’s gospel will focus on an encounter between Jesus and a person or a group of people. We’ll be looking at how Jesus and the people reacted to their encounters, and what messages He was giving, and we’ll be thinking about how we react to Jesus’ words as we consider how to apply this to our daily lives.
Encountering God ARTWORKEach week’s title is based on an aspect of our salvation that Jesus emphasises through that week’s encounter:
I am….
1. Called
2. Renewed
3. Saved
4. Fed
5. Freed
6. Given sight
7. Connected
8. Loved
9. Blessed

The series starts on 20th October 2019.
If you are not a member of St Mary’s you are most welcome to join us. See the website for service times and details. www.stmarysaom.org
I pray that through the encounters in this series we may grow to be closer to Him, and that we will come to a richer, deeper knowledge and understanding of Him and of life in His name.
Ian Beaumont  

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