Look out next year for this brand-new course, “Encounter”. It’s for people who want to get to know God better. We pray each week that we will encounter God in a real way. 
Some willing conscripts have just completed a pilot course. These comments reflect a flavour of the course:

“Thank you God for loving me too much to leave me as I am.”

“God’s gift is totally free! That’s amazing!”

“God’s love is not transactional!”Encounter logo

“We are all children of God.”

“Jesus accepts me as I am.”

“We can learn better in a group.”

“It takes time to build a relationship.”

“Prayer facilitates and enables relationship.”

“There are different ways to encounter God.”

“I saw all the emotions on Jesus’ face.”

“I’ve made a step-change in deciding on my faith, rather than relying on others.”

 “I always begrudged people like the older brother……I now pray for…to be part of the family.”

“Studying the Bible, particularly in groups, reveals the real character of God and helps me lead my life in a different way.”

“Encounter gave me a new insight and perspective of God’s character, how to discover it through group-led bible study and why knowing God’s character enlightens my prayers and worship, also providing divine guidance for living my life. “

We looked at God’s love; why and how we study the Bible; why and how to pray; different ways God speaks to us personally and the impact that having a relationship with God has on our lives.
I had an amazing time leading this course, and look forward to running it next year.
Lynne Raphael
Teaching Co-ordinator

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